Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Typical Detroit ERC Career Workshop

We start each Workshop with a get acquainted circle where we go around at least twice to introduce ourselves by name and shake hands. The intent is for all to get to know each other.

The surprise is when they are each asked to repeat the names of all who are in the circle. This emphasizes the importance of remembering names of those you meet and greet. One way to help remember is to repeat their name at least three times and associate their name with an image that would help you remember. Remembering names is an essential part of networking and interviewing process. This activity is concluded with an opening prayer.

Our Workshops are a two day 9AM - 5PM event with working lunches. They are structured with only 8 to 12 participants accommodating diverse employment needs. They are set up to have a great deal of interactive learning. They are working sessions with video taped interviews, presentations of personal commercials and accomplishments using power statements and group evaluations of resumes. Throughout the two days each activity has abundant feedback from our director and the group with respect to effective content, techniques and styles.

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